Weekly Digest 14th June 2024

Solve.Care Blog
3 min readJun 14, 2024


Hi Solve.Care Community, this week in Solve.Care:

1. Care.Platform Release 14 is Here!

Care.Platform Release 14 is here, bringing new features like a new Care.Network, auto-joining network ability, enhanced network navigation, simplified sign-up/sign-in, and more! Dive into the latest updates and see how we’re transforming Web3 with our multi-party platform.

Read more here>

2. Recording of X Space with Ravikant Agrawal

We were excited to have Ravikant Agrawal and Pradeep Goel as our guests recently! Ravi is the VP of Strategy for Polygon and a practitioner with extensive Web3 and hands-on blockchain experience.

In this X Space, we discussed the importance of blockchain identity and healthcare, how we can simplify eligibility and enrollment, and improve data security when it comes to verification in healthcare and beyond.

Listen to the recording of the session here>

3. Recording of X Spaces with Kyle Langham

On June 6th, our Global Community Manager, Michael Norton hosted Kyle Langham on our weekly Solve.Care X Spaces.

Kyle Langham is the Director of Data and Analytics for DFINITY. He is passionate about analyzing blockchain and ecosystem data to better understand the tokenomics and growth of the ICP token and the Internet Computer ecosystem. Kyle also has a background in pharmaceuticals which made for a great discussion about blockchain and healthcare.

Listen to the recording of the session here>

4. Recording of X Space with Jordan Last

On June 11th, our very own Mike hosted Alex Guerra on our weekly Solve.Care X Spaces.

Alex Guerra is a well-known blockchain enthusiast who focuses on education. He is currently working on a DeFi project known as Pachira Finance and is also a contributor to snackprompt, an AI prompt marketplace.

Listen to the recording of the session here>

5. Off the Record!

Tune in to hear from our Global Community Manager, Michael Norton on Sunday, 16th June at 5pm UTC, as he provides the latest updates on Solve.Care news and answers live questions.

Set your reminders and join the Space here>

Join in the discussion on our Official Telegram Channel or Discord Server. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Threads, LinkedIn, or visit Solve.Care for more information.

Your Solve.Care Team



Solve.Care Blog

We write about how Solve.Care is redefining the cost and convenience of healthcare around the world.